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Jan 16, 2012:

Finally Reunited!!!

Customs Update: UNBELIEVABLE!!! The saga is OVER and we are reunited! We waited and waited, and checked again with UPS but nothing. Nothing! UPS tracking said that it had been delivered to a "Juan Martin Cornejos," but no one knew of him! Wow, could the bike have been delivered to someone else?! But an hour later, we were informed that the bike had been delivered!!!


We had used La Posta Hostel's address because we were going to stay there. So Fernando, La Pista del Andino's owner, takes over there. Could this be true? After 5 weeks of a roller-coaster ride?

Christi can't believe it!

Fernando drives us over to La Posta Hostel... where the bike is???

Tauru checks behind the sign of La Posta, but it's not there.

Fernando talks to the owners of La Posta, Flo and her husband, who have been super nice and supportive people!

But Tauru eyes the back door... WHERE? WHERE?!!

OMG!!! There it is!!!


Christi can't believe it!

We take it back to camp...

...and start putting it together.


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