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Apr 1, 2012:

Video - Halfway To Santiago

Distance to Date: 1975 km , 1185 miles

We finally made it out of Coihaique and rode 90 kms north to Villa Manihuales where we're staying at Jorge's Casa de Ciclista -- it's awesome. He's awesome! If it isn't one thing, it's another. The derailleur hanger is hanging and so the bike is running; however, our stove went kaputz. It's been with us everywhere and it's well-used, and so it's having a hard time sparking our meals. It's a multi-fuel stove (able to use gasoline), but even premium gasoline is now clogging it up. So we spent today getting a ride back to Coihaique and found white gas (the preferred fuel) at a hardware store. The stove is working again, and the journey continues.

Here's another video of us sharing our project and how we see.

Two Blind To Ride! Halfway to Santiago from Laura Rosensteel on Vimeo.

We talk about our ride and our vision in this video...

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