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Aug 24, 2012:

Raising Awareness in La Paz

Distance to Date: 6712 km, 4161 mi

We are currently in Cusco, Peru near Machu Picchu. From here, we will descend down to sea level towards Lima and then head up along the coast towards Ecuador. We still hope to reach Alaska next sumer. We have to! No latter then end-August 2013... otherwise it'll start getting too cold.

We continue to make all efforts to spread our message and to promote our project locally. Thanks to Margarita Palacios Mejia and Kevin Bauer of La Paz, we were on La Paz's newspaper, Pagina Siete. Again, spreading the message that people with disabilities (in our case, visual) can still do awesome things.

Again, thanks to Margarita and Kevin!

Click HERE to view article (pages 18-19).

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